Wednesday, December 20, 2017

More than just physical fitness

A student of mine named Jules recently wrote this short essay on the impact CrossFit is having on her life and I thought I 

would share.  As you can see below, it is more than just a fitness program.

     This year in August I joined a CrossFit and biomechanics class. Since starting, I have noticed many changes from my mental capacity to strength and stamina. In our Crossfit class we had managed to create a very supportive and powerful community where we all support and motivate each other. Mental sharpness is key in CrossFit. You have to be focused enough to count reps, rounds, memorize the workout and focus on your form during the workout. When you are drained and just fighting to finish, this is very hard. Overtime, I have been able to build up my focus even when I am exhausted. This has been beneficial even outside Crossfit, especially in school classes.
          The CrossFit community we as students have made is really amazing. People that, in school, wouldn’t generally socialize with each other at all come together and connect. It’s something we all love. We get so suffer together, we get stronger together, and we accomplish together. School status doesn’t matter and everyone is willing to help and cheer on each other.
          Stamina and strength is another important aspect of CrossFit. Throughout the year I have experienced increases in strength and mobility. Stamina goes hand in hand with strength for me personally. When we retest a benchmark that we did at the beginning of the year I am able to go heavier on the weight, keep a constant pace, and often shave minutes off my time.
         All aspects of CrossFit: strength, stamina, consistency, mental strength, endurance and community have been applied to other activities outside the workout. The benefits of which can be easily noticed.