Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Vision CrossFit Spring Highlights!

The 2017 Open: Snake River CrossFit graciously allowed 9 of my students (almost half my class!) to participate in their first ever CrossFit Open.  Considering many of them have only ever snatched or done thrusters with a PVC pipe, they did an amazing job and moved fairly well through the grueling Open workouts (some of them even liked thrusters, WHAT!).  Quite a few of them placed well in the teens scaled division and more importantly experienced the encouragement of the CrossFit community.  I believe they are now hooked for life!

Retesting Workouts:  The students are seeing drastic improvement in their scores/times from previous workouts.  For example, yesterday we retested the hero workout "Loredo" which is 6 rounds for time of 24 air squats, 24 pushups, 24 walking lunges, & a 400 meter run.  Student after student crushed their previous times ranging anywhere from 3-6 minutes faster on this grueling workout.  Even though we don't run the mile we test it, and students have improved their mile times by an average of over 2 minutes! The since of satisfaction I see on their faces after they PR a workout is truly priceless. They are showing more determination and more grit than I would have imagined after only 8 months.

Enrollment in the program:  This class has been so popular that they added a second section to the 2017-2018 school schedule for next year.  We will again partner with NNU to offer this class to our high school students for college credit. This means we will jump from 20 to 40 students next year, doubling in size.  This is posing some logistical and financial needs, but ultimately I welcome the growing process. Growth for my students, growth for the program, growing interest in fitness, and personal growth as a coach.