Time for an update! I am really inconsistent when it comes to posting content, so please forgive my sporadic ramblings. We are now in our 4th year of operation here at Vision CrossFit. In that time we have added classes and now offer two CrossFit classes during the school day for college credit in conjunction with our partners at NNU and Snake River CrossFit. Students are able to get a beginning and advanced CrossFit Kinesiology credits through NNU. Most recently we started a USA Weightlifting Registered Barbell Club that students can also take as a class and receive college credit through NNU. Count them, 3 college credits while in High School and all the while getting more fit in the process. Our students are still competing in local CrossFit competitions and local USA Weightlifting sanctioned events. The program has been so successful that the school is adding a 2,100 square foot addition to accommodate our students and give Vision CrossFit and Vision Weightlifting a permanent space (no more store equipment in my science lab and then hauling it to the gymacafetorium or outside everyday. Recently we were featured on our local channel 6 and channel 9 news stations because we were awarded a $10,000 grant for equipment for our new facility: https://www.kivitv.com/vision-charter-school-gets-10-000-grant-for-crossfit-program A huge shout out to the CrossFit Foundation and their School Health initiative. I am so grateful to them and their support of our program. I am constantly surprised by the generosity of this community and it extends into the local boxes that continue to selflessly help you make contacts and freely give of their time and resources to programs such as ours. On that note, I have to thank Snake River CrossFit in Nampa, Idaho who has been with us from the beginnning. I also want to thank Verdant CrossFit, CrossFit Composure, and Crown Performance in Boise, Idaho who also support our work in various ways. These local facilities are so gracious and the CrossFit community as a whole is some of the most generous people I know. Please know that our students always need help with entry fees into local competitions, additional equipment, etc. Reach out to me if you are able to help in anyway and be thankful for this community, because they are truly great!
