Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Another Chapter Begins!

I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew, but I don't really know how to do things halfway.  Vision CrossFit has been so successful as Idaho's first and only non-profit high school CrossFit affiliate.  I have been getting phone calls from other High Schools around the country who are looking to implement a CrossFit program within their schools and I am happy to share our experience over the last 3 years.  It has truly been an honor and an amazing ride.  I certainly don't know everything, but I do know that the CrossFit methodology is appealing to all students regardless of race, sex, economic status, and athletic ability or lack thereof.

Since we are always looking to improve, we have to ask where can the most improvement be made. One of our biggest identified weaknesses here at Vision CrossFit has been teaching the Olympic lifts (the Clean & Jerk and the Snatch).  We have PVC, Dumbbells, Sandbags, and Kettlebells and this has been useful in helping students understand the movement patterns, but I felt like we needed to do more. 
Here is where we have done:
1. After a generous donation from a local family and a local business we are purchasing about 8-10 barbells and some light bumper/training plates.
2. After much reading, studying, and asking questions I decided to get my USA Weightlifting Level 1 and then a few months later I got my USA Level 2 Coaching Certifications.
3. We decided to start Vision Weightlifting a USA Weightlifting registered barbell club.  The only school barbell club in the Western Treasure Valley.

4. This weekend is our first competition for Vision Weightlifting.  Three of our athletes (see picture to the right) will be competing at the Genesis Invitational at Crown Performance this Saturday on January 26th.

Needless to say, we have been very busy, we are never satisfied, and we are working hard to promote fitness on several levels.  If you would like to support us as we grow in anyway please email me at visioncrossfit@gmail.com

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

1st Competition of the Year!

Our 1st competition of the year for Vision CrossFit is in the books.  We had the 7 teams compete in the Granite Games Throwdown on Saturday, January 12th hosted by our partners at Snake River CrossFit in Nampa.  So very proud of these kids!  They were mostly competing against adults, as they were some of the only teens in the competition.  They held their own for sure!  Areas for improvement include: The heavy barbell, but as we know strength takes time and you don't want to rush it with teens, who are still developing.  Their work capacity and their ability to recover between workouts was amazing and this was definitely an area of strength.  We have an Olympic Weightlifting Meet coming up January 26th at Crown Performance in Garden City. We will feature our first ever 3 lifters as part of the newly formed Vision Weightlifting Club which is now an official member of USA Weightlifting.  We are also looking forward to several students competing in the 2019 CrossFit Games OPEN starting in February.  Lot's going on here at Vision.  I will do my best to offer more updates here on our website as we continue to grow, thrive, and influence young people to pursue health.        -Coach George