Monday, September 4, 2017

Year 2 in Full Swing

We are now in year two at Vision CrossFit.  With a new school year comes new athletes, new challenges, and new breakthroughs.  I had opportunities to meet with my mentors this summer and they really helped me see the big picture in regards to programming from a macro scale and I feel even more confident entering my second year of coaching.  I am blessed to have tremendous resources at Snake River CrossFit  in Nampa whom I can collaborate with to make Vision CrossFit a better place for students to train with each passing week.  I have learned to identify the fitness testing that I want to use with each new block, and make sure I am taking a more balanced approach to programming while still focusing our our weaknesses.  At this point we still don't have barbells and bumper plates, so beyond our skill work with PVC we don't have the opportunity to practice Olympic lifts as much as I would like.  This hasn't been a bad thing because we are spending more time with sandbags, kettlebells, a variety of loaded carries, and strongman type movements.  Based on the research available, this might be even more beneficial for these students in the long run and prevent injury while promoting fitness at the same time.  We have grown from 20 students and one class in 2016-2017 to 40 students and two classes in this school year.  It is amazing to me to hear students talk about the difficult work they are putting in day in and day out, and to see the pride on their faces after finishing a difficult WOD.  We are 6 workouts into the school year and students are already squatting better, encouraging each other more, eating better, and promoting the Vision of CrossFit to their peers.  For this I am grateful and excited about the upcoming year.  More to come!